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Colored Sand

ISBN-10: 1589300246
ISBN-13: 978-1589300248


An archaeological adventure that takes place in the most haunting ancient city of Petra in the Jordanian desert. It is a saga of adventure, history and romance.

Weeds of Paradise
ISBN-10: 0972144056
ISBN-13: 978-0972144056

​A mystery in the  journey of a group of travelers joined by fate. They travel to different countries around the world; some in search of meaning to the absurdities of life while others seek only a clear path.

Under the Roman Pillar

ISBN-10: 0972144021
ISBN-13: 978-0972144025


Another archaeological adventure that takes place in the Roman ruins of the ancient city of Jerash in Northern Jordan; it is also a saga of adventure, history and a touch of romance.

Old Garments & Matching Hats

ISBN-10: 097214403X
ISBN-13: 978-0972144032


26 entertaining short stories from far and near. These stories are totally unrelated, only a product of reality in a surreal world. It is dedicated to the lost generation that once tried to make the world a better place.

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The Woman in the Moon - a collection of poems dedicated to the hopeful, the content and the disheartened. 

"When all the words are expended, arranged and rearraned in every possible way to express the human sentiment, all that is left is silence. Just look up and listen to the woman in the moon."​

Hunters of the Wild Beasts
ISBN-10: 0972144048
ISBN-13: 978-0972144049


A novel of adventure, discovery, and learning that acquaints the readers with the long, long history of civilization in the Middle-East and how its inhabitants learn to live with it - or not. It reveals the character of life there in modern times and introduces the reader to memorable characters they would want to know in person.

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